زبان انگلیسی

مقالات پژوهشی

زبان انگلیسی

مقالات پژوهشی

حال ساده-استمراری-گذشته ساده

فعل در جمله مرکز بار گرامری آن جمله می باشد. فعل در جمله بعد از فاعل قرار می گیرد. افعال انگلیسی عمومأ از پنج مصدر زیر مشتق می شوند:

1-     مصدر ساده:         to walk / to give                                                                 ریشه فعلto + 

2-     مصدر استمراری:              to be giving  to be walking /                         to be + verb ing  

3-     مصدر کامل:     to + have + p.p.                               to have walked / to have given               

4-     مصدر کامل استمراری:                                                        to + have + been + verb ing

                To have been walking/to have been giving

5-     مصدر مجهول:   to + be + p.p.                                   to be walked / to be given                    

زمان ها:

v     حال: ساده، استمراری، کامل، کامل استمراری.

v     گذشته: ساده، استمراری، کامل، کامل استمراری.

v     آینده: ساده، استمراری، کامل، کامل استمراری.

حال ساده:                    he studies/ I study English every day          مصدر ساده بدونto  subject +

ü      برای فاعل سوم شخص مفرد(he, she, it, Ali) به فعل  sیا ies اضافه می کنیم:I play, she plays well   

1-      برای بیان عادات و تکرار همیشگی از حال ساده استفاده می شود:

She always goes to bed late. They often walk home. We watch TV every night. You go there very often. I usually go to school by bus.

2-      برای بیان حقایق مسلم  از حال ساده استفاده می شود:

 The earth revolves around the sun. Birds fly. Dogs bark. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. A mother loves her children. The world is round.

Ø      برای سوالی و منفی کردن زمان حال ساده از فعل کمکی )do برای  (I, you, we, they  و does( برای فاعل سوم شخص مفرد: (she, he, it, Ali  استفاده میکنیم:

They begin their work at 7 every morning.

Do they begin their work at 7 every morning?

They don’t begin their work at 7 every morning.

Helen sometimes washes the dishes at night.

Does Helen sometimes wash the dishes at night?

Helen doesn’t sometimes wash the dishes at night.

ü      منفی کردن فعل to be: اضافه کردن not به فعل:     I am a teacher  I am not a teacher        

 Am I a teacher? (Are you a teacher?) 

حال استمراری: subject + am, is, are + verb + ing                 we are studying now              

1-      برای بیان کاری که هم اکنون در حال انجام است:

He is writing a letter. She is doing her homework. Ali is listening to some music. I am speaking English right now. You are wearing a black T shirt. It is raining now.

2-      برای بیان شروع، استمرار، یا اتمام کاری:

It is beginning to snow. My cold is becoming worse. Her studies are going to end.

3-      برای بیان یک قرار در آینده استفاده می شود. در این صورت جمله باید دارای قید آینده باشد:

He is giving a lecture tomorrow. The ship is sailing next week. Her parents are coming here next summer. Ali and I are dating next weekend.

Ø      برای سوالی و منفی کردن زمان حال استمراری به فعل کمکی not اضافه می کنیم:

The weather is not getting colder these days. They are not swimming now.

·         بعضی از افعال که بیانگر حالات می باشند، استمراری نمی شوند. یعنی نمی توان به آنها ing افزود:

Know: I know your father. I am knowing your father. 

Believe, doubt, recognize, remember, understand, like, dislike, please, prefer, fear, hate, mind, belong, possess, own, need, want, wish, exist, hear, sound, seem, agree, disagree, mean, surprise, amaze, promise, look like, resemble, contain, matter.

·         بعضی از افعال وقتی بیانگر حالات هستند استمراری نمی شوند اما وقتی بیانگر عملکردها می باشند، استمراری می شوند:




Ali is looking out the window.

She is appearing on a TV show today.

I am thinking about my family now.

I am feeling a little tired today.

I am having a good time. (having lunch)

The doctor is seeing a patient now.

The chef is tasting the soup.

She is smelling the rose.

She is loving parenthood.

It looks cold outside.

She appears to be tired today.

I think that he is a good teacher.

I feel that she is a good student.

I have a bicycle.

I saw a bird in the sky.   

The soup tastes salty.

Something smells bad.

She loves her kids.










گذشته ساده:       he watched TV last night.            ( یا شکل دوم فعل بی قاعده  subject + verb + ed (

ü      برای ساختن زمان گذشته به افعال با قاعده (regular) ed, اضافه می کنیم. افعال بی قاعده (irregular) شکلشان عوض می شود.( برای آشنایی با افعال بی قاعده به انتهای کتاب مراجعه شود. )

1-      برای بیان کاری که در گذشته معینی به اتمام رسیده است:

It snowed yesterday. He studied English last week. I walked to school last day. They lived in Mashhad last year. We bought a new car three days ago. You left here 2 weeks ago. Ali saw him last weekend. It began to rain last fall. I was a teacher many years ago. I tried to win a few minutes ago.

2-      برای بیان تکرار در گذشته از گذشته ساده استفاده می کنیم:  

He came here every day last month. I always went to school by bus. I always played soccer many times ago. 

Ø      برای سوالی و منفی کردن زمان گذشته ساده از فعل کمکی did استفاده می کنیم:

Marry arrived late. Did Marry arrive late? Marry didn’t arrive late.

They did their homework well. Did they do their homework well? They didn’t do their homework well.

We were students. were we students? We weren’t students.  

Some irregular verbs

Past participle

Simple past

Simple form


























































افعال کمکی





He may have been at the library.

May I borrow your pen?

You may leave the room.

John may be at the library.

1-درخواست مودبانه - فقط با I/we

2-اجازه رسمی

3-احتمال با 50% اطمینان


He might have been at the library.

John might be at the library.

Might I borrow your pen? 

1- احتمال با 50%


2-درخواست مودبانه


You should have studied more, but you didn’t.

She should have done well on the test.

You should go to the doctor.

She should do well on the test tomorrow.

1-توصیه و نصیحت


2-90% اطمینان (احتمال وقوع)


You ought to have studied more, but you didn’t.

She ought to have done well on the test.

You ought to go to the doctor.

She ought to do well on the test tomorrow.

1-توصیه و نصیحت


2-90% اطمینان (احتمال وقوع)

Ought to

You had better be on time, or we will leave without you.

توصیه و نصیحت با تهدید نتایج بد

Had better

Class was supposed to begin at 10:00.

Class is supposed to begin at 10:00.

1-احتمال وقوع (قرار)

2- احتمال وقوع (قرار) انجام نشده

Be supposed to

You had to go to class.

She must have been sick yesterday.

You must go to class today.

You must not open the door.

She must be sick.

1-اجبار قوی

2-منع (منفی)

3- احتمال با 95% اطمینان


I had to go to class.

I didn’t have to go to class

I have to go to class today.

I don’t have to go to class today.


2-عدم اجبار (منفی)

Have to

I had to go to class.

I have got to go to class today.


Have got to

He will be here at 6:00.

I will do the job.

Will you please help me?

1-آینده با 100% اطمینان

2-تمایل انجام کاری

3-درخواست مودبانه


I was going to paint my room, but I didn’t.

He is going to be here at 6:00.

I'm going to paint my bedroom.

1-پیش بینی با 100% اطمینان

2-قصد انجام کاری

3-طرح های ناتمام

Be going to

I could run fast, but now I can't.

That can't have been true

I can run fast.

You can use my car tomorrow.

Can I borrow your pan?

That can't be true.  


2-اجازه دوستانه

3-درخواست مودبانه

4-عدم امکان (منفی)


I could run fast when I was a child.

You could have talked.

He could have been at home.

That couldn’t have been true.

Could I borrow your pen?

You could talk to your teacher.

He could be at home.

That couldn’t be true.

1-توانایی در گذشته

2-درخواست مودبانه


4-احتمال با 50% اطمینان

5- عدم امکان (منفی)


I was able to help you.

I am able to help you.


Be able to

I would rather have gone to the park.

When I was a child, I would visit my grandparents every week.

I would have liked a cookie, but there were none left.

Would you please help me?

I would rather go to the park than stay home.

I would like an apple please.


1-درخواست مودبانه


3-کارهای تکراری در گذشته

4-خواستن مودبانه

5-آرزوهای انجام نشده


I used to visit my grandparents every weekend.

I used to live in Spain, but now I live in Korea.

1-کارهای تکراری در گذشته

2-موقعیتی در گذشته که دیگر وجود ندارد

Used to

Shall I open the window?

I shall arrive at nine.

1-سوال مودبانه برای طرح پیشنهاد

2-آینده با I/we



قید کلمه ای است که یک فعل، یک صفت، یا یک قید دیگر را توصیف می کند:

    چگونگی انجام فعل را توصیف می کنند He walks quickly. She plays tennis well. I opened the door quietly   

I am extremely happy. She is a very good tennis player. We are profoundly satisfied.

I feel very well. She plays tennis quite badly.  They behaved entirely impolitely.

انواع قید:  

1-     قید زمان: برای بیان زمان وقوع فعل در جمله به کار می رود. Adverbs of time:                                today, yesterday, tomorrow, recently, later, the day before yesterday, now, then …

They were recently married. The ship will arrive tomorrow. I go to school every morning. We meet each other in the meeting in the afternoon.

2-     قید مکان:  برای بیان مکان وجهت وقوع فعل در جمله به کار می رود.  Adverbs of place:                

Here, away, outside, left, straight, west, in the museum, towards the window, up, down …

It is warm inside the house. He was walking along the street. She went to the hospital.

3-     قید تکرار: برای بیان تکرار انجام کار در جمله می آیند. Adverbs of frequency:                               occasionally, frequently, always, often, normally, constantly, continually, usually, regularly, sometimes, never, rarely, seldom, forever, in no way, hardly, scarcely

The teacher always comes on time.  She is always on time. Is she always on time?

Does she always come on time? She has always come on time.

ü      اگر قیدهای منفی اول جمله بیایند، ترکیب جمله به شکل سوالی خواهد بود. بدون علامت سوال در پایان جمله:

She never leaves her classes early. Never does she leave her classes early.

He seldom came here late. Seldom did he come here late.

I will rarely do that again. Rarely will I do that again.

They are hardly good students. Hardly are they good students.  

4-     قید حالت: برای بیان حالت وقوع فعل در جمله می آیند. Adverbs of manner:                                      quickly, sadly, awkwardly, slowly, quietly, easily, happily, simply, carelessly …

She dances gracefully. He sadly whispered to me. They answered promptly.

ü      برای ساختن قید حالت کافیست به انتهای صفت ly   اضافه کنیم:

Brave + ly →bravely        true + ly →truly       basic + ly →basically     public + ly→ publicly      geographic + ly → geographically     easy + ly →easily

Ø      کلمات زیر اگر چه به ly ختم می شوند، اما صفت هستند:

Lovely, likely, lonely, friendly …       she is a lovely girl.

5-     قید شدت: برای بیان شدت صفت یا قید دیگر در جمله می آید.  Adverbs of degree (intensifiers):    very, quite, extremely, too, adequately, almost, nearly, totally, greatly, highly …

She dances very gracefully. It is too cold outside. He did it partially well.

جایگاه قید تکرار در جمله:

1-      To be + adverb             she is sometimes late. They are always talkative.    -  رثقغegree (intensifiers):       ر جمله می آید سعذتثزفays talkative.               ely, almost, nearly, totally, greatly, highly ...

2-      Subject + adverb + verb         she sometimes comes late.                            

3-      بعد از فعل کمکی اول: she has sometimes come late.                                                    

She has sometimes been coming late. They have always been talking loudly.

جایگاه قید حالت در جمله: قبل از فعل اصلی و آخر جمله.

The experiment has been carefully planned. The experiment has been planned carefully.  You should listen to me carefully. You should carefully listen to me.

We always meet you at school in a very friendly way every morning.

                    قید زمان        +              قید حالت    +   قید مکان      +         قید تکرار

Ø      کلمات زیر هم صفت هستند هم قید:

Early, daily, nightly, weekly, fast, hard, low, high, well, short, long, wrong, right, left, near, far, direct, straight, late …

It is a monthly magazine. This magazine is published monthly.

A fast train goes fast.

The work is hard. He works hard.  

She gave us a wrong answer. She led us wrong.

That is a high building. The birds are flying high.

·         قیود بی قاعده:best                                                                                well better

Badly worse worst                        much more most

Little less least                                late later last

Far further furthest