زبان انگلیسی

مقالات پژوهشی

زبان انگلیسی

مقالات پژوهشی


قید کلمه ای است که یک فعل، یک صفت، یا یک قید دیگر را توصیف می کند:

    چگونگی انجام فعل را توصیف می کنند He walks quickly. She plays tennis well. I opened the door quietly   

I am extremely happy. She is a very good tennis player. We are profoundly satisfied.

I feel very well. She plays tennis quite badly.  They behaved entirely impolitely.

انواع قید:  

1-     قید زمان: برای بیان زمان وقوع فعل در جمله به کار می رود. Adverbs of time:                                today, yesterday, tomorrow, recently, later, the day before yesterday, now, then …

They were recently married. The ship will arrive tomorrow. I go to school every morning. We meet each other in the meeting in the afternoon.

2-     قید مکان:  برای بیان مکان وجهت وقوع فعل در جمله به کار می رود.  Adverbs of place:                

Here, away, outside, left, straight, west, in the museum, towards the window, up, down …

It is warm inside the house. He was walking along the street. She went to the hospital.

3-     قید تکرار: برای بیان تکرار انجام کار در جمله می آیند. Adverbs of frequency:                               occasionally, frequently, always, often, normally, constantly, continually, usually, regularly, sometimes, never, rarely, seldom, forever, in no way, hardly, scarcely

The teacher always comes on time.  She is always on time. Is she always on time?

Does she always come on time? She has always come on time.

ü      اگر قیدهای منفی اول جمله بیایند، ترکیب جمله به شکل سوالی خواهد بود. بدون علامت سوال در پایان جمله:

She never leaves her classes early. Never does she leave her classes early.

He seldom came here late. Seldom did he come here late.

I will rarely do that again. Rarely will I do that again.

They are hardly good students. Hardly are they good students.  

4-     قید حالت: برای بیان حالت وقوع فعل در جمله می آیند. Adverbs of manner:                                      quickly, sadly, awkwardly, slowly, quietly, easily, happily, simply, carelessly …

She dances gracefully. He sadly whispered to me. They answered promptly.

ü      برای ساختن قید حالت کافیست به انتهای صفت ly   اضافه کنیم:

Brave + ly →bravely        true + ly →truly       basic + ly →basically     public + ly→ publicly      geographic + ly → geographically     easy + ly →easily

Ø      کلمات زیر اگر چه به ly ختم می شوند، اما صفت هستند:

Lovely, likely, lonely, friendly …       she is a lovely girl.

5-     قید شدت: برای بیان شدت صفت یا قید دیگر در جمله می آید.  Adverbs of degree (intensifiers):    very, quite, extremely, too, adequately, almost, nearly, totally, greatly, highly …

She dances very gracefully. It is too cold outside. He did it partially well.

جایگاه قید تکرار در جمله:

1-      To be + adverb             she is sometimes late. They are always talkative.    -  رثقغegree (intensifiers):       ر جمله می آید سعذتثزفays talkative.               ely, almost, nearly, totally, greatly, highly ...

2-      Subject + adverb + verb         she sometimes comes late.                            

3-      بعد از فعل کمکی اول: she has sometimes come late.                                                    

She has sometimes been coming late. They have always been talking loudly.

جایگاه قید حالت در جمله: قبل از فعل اصلی و آخر جمله.

The experiment has been carefully planned. The experiment has been planned carefully.  You should listen to me carefully. You should carefully listen to me.

We always meet you at school in a very friendly way every morning.

                    قید زمان        +              قید حالت    +   قید مکان      +         قید تکرار

Ø      کلمات زیر هم صفت هستند هم قید:

Early, daily, nightly, weekly, fast, hard, low, high, well, short, long, wrong, right, left, near, far, direct, straight, late …

It is a monthly magazine. This magazine is published monthly.

A fast train goes fast.

The work is hard. He works hard.  

She gave us a wrong answer. She led us wrong.

That is a high building. The birds are flying high.

·         قیود بی قاعده:best                                                                                well better

Badly worse worst                        much more most

Little less least                                late later last

Far further furthest 

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